Browse Items (40 total)
An Introduction to the Stained and Dalle de Verre
Glass Art of Robert Pinart
Tags: AGG, American Glass Guild, art glass, Barillet, C.Z. Lawrence, Christ for the World Chapel, Cummings, dalle de verre, Duval, Ed Fields, Edgar Tafel, Edward Hopper House, Fifth Avenue Synagogue, Hertz Memorial Hall, Ingrand, J & R Lamb, Jean Nison, Jean-Jacques Duval, JFK Protestant Chapel, King Student Center, Labouret, Lincoln Bay, Mayer of Munich, Meditation room, Morristoen Jewish Center, National Cathedral, New City Jewish Center, OEOB, Old Executive Office Building, Padwee, Percival Goodman, Rambusch, Ratcliff, Robert Pinart, SGAA, Shaarey Zedek, Shepherd of the Hills, Shrine of St. Odilia, Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, St. Anne de Beaupre, St. Anselm's, St. Anthony Shrine, St. Edward the Confessor, St. Honore Boulangerie, St. Joseph Church, St. Luke's, stained glass, Stained Glass Association, Temple Beth El, Temple Emanuel, Tweed Courthouse, Washington Bay, Wilmark
Experimental Lustre Tiles of Rafael Guastavino, Jr.
Tags: 143 Awixa Avenue, Abu Tahir potters, Abu'l Qasim, AD Antiques, AET, American Encaustic Tiling Co, art tiles, Avery Archives, Aztec Ballet, Brouwer, ceramic tiles, Count Florida Blanca, De Morgan, Diffloth, Doat, Fustat, Gaziello, George Collins, Guastavino, Industrial Arts Exhibition, Iranian pottery, Iznik tiles, J.B. Owens, Kashan pottery, Lancastrian Ware, Leon Solon, Louis Franchet, luster ware, lusterware, lustre enamels, lustre glaze, lustre ware, Lycett, Mary Chase Perry, Massier, Owens China Co, Palaces for the People, Persian glazes, Persian palatte, Persian tiles, Persian ware, Pewabic, Pewabic Pottery, Piccolpasso, Pilkingtons, reduced pigment lustre, Richard Mohr, Rookwood, Rozane Mara ware, Sicard, Sicardo Ware, Tile House, UKPotheads, University City Pottery, Weller, William Burton, William Morris
The Ceramic Tiles and Murals of Jean Nison
Tags: ACC Craft Research Service, Adrian Wilson, Afghan hounds, Alden Becker, Alice Simon, Alpha and Omega, America House, American Crafts Council, architectural ceramics, Art and Christian Life, Artist-Craftsmen of New York, Arts of Daily Living, Brian Kaiser, Carlton Steiner, Casselberry, ceramic murals, ceramic tiles, Charles Nison, Craft Horizons, Cuyler, Draper, El Delirio, Elizabeth Draper, Ella Lawson, Ernest Lawson, Farr, Four Christian Symbols, Fred Farr, Gordon Cuyler, Greene and Greene, House Beautiful, J. Gordon Lippincott, Jean Nison, John deKoven Hill, La Guardia Houses, LaGuardia, Lever House, Lippincott and Margulies, Lippincott house, Lowey, Margaret Blasco, Margaret Nison, Michael Padwee, mid-century modern, Millard Sheets, Museum of Art and Design, Pinart, Plant Lover's Bathroom, Ray Johnson, Raymond Lowey, Religious Art of the Western World, Richardson, Robert Pinart, Sam Richardson, Shepherd of the Hills, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, St. Joseph's College for Women, Station of the Cross, The Patron Church, Tichenor House, Tile Heritage Foundation, tile murals
Isaac Broome: Innovation and Design in the Tile Industry after the Centennial Exhibition
Tags: AET, art tiles, Beaver Falls, BFAT, California Tile and Terra Cotta Company, Centennial Exhibition, David Blythe, Edwin Atlee Barber, Gallimore, Gillespie, Grueby, Harris Manufacturing Company, Hyzer & Lewellyn, Isaac Broome, Japanese ceramics, Joseph Kirkham, key patterns, Kirkham, Leon Solon, Low Art Tile, Low Art Tile Works, Michael Padwee, Michelangelo, Mueller, New Economy, Ott and Brewer, Pacific Art Tile Company, parian, Parthenia, plastic sketch, Providential Tile Works, Ruskin, Ruskin Cooperative Colony, Sappho, secessionist ware, Solon, stove tiles, Trent Tile Co, Trenton City Museum, Union Porcelain Works, Wade, Wenczel, Western Art Tile Company
Nineteenth Century Brooklyn Potteries
Tags: Boch, Brooklyn Potteries, Cartlidge, Century Vase, Edward Lycett, Elijah Tatler, Empire China Works, Faience Manufacturing Co, Frank Lockett, George Washington, Greenpoint, Jensen, Josiah Jones, Karl Mueller, Karl Müller, Keramos, Liberty Cup, Pettrich, Poets Pitcher, Thomas Smith, Union Porcelain Works, Volkmar
Leon Victor Solon: Color, Ceramics and Architecture
Tags: 2 Park Avenue, 610 Fifth Avenue, 620 Fifth Avenue, 636 Fifth Avenue, AET, AET Co, American Encaustic Tile Co, American Encaustic Tiling Company, Angloia, architectural ceramics, Architectural Polychromy, Armistead Fitzhugh, Arthur Crisp, Atlantic Terra Cotta, Atlantic Terra Cotta Company, Aztec Ballet, Bagguley, Blaszczyk, Bookplate Society, Booktryst, Carlos Chavez, E. Stanley Wires, Eliel Saarinen, Ely Jacques Kahn, Empire State Dairy, Eugene Schoen, Exhibition of Contemporary American Design, Jennewein, John Gregory, John W. Root, John Wadsworth, Joseph Urban, Julian Clarence Levi, Lawrie, Lazo, Leon Solon, Louis Arnoux, Marc Louis Solon, Minton, Mintons, Mosaic Tile Company, National Terra Cotta Society, Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art, Philadelphia Museum of Art, posters, Ralph T. Walker, Raymond Hood, Robertson Art Tile Works, Rockefeller Center, Secessionist, secessionist ware, Sutherland binding, Sutherland decoration, The Architect and the Industrial Arts, The Story of Mankind, the textile blog, U.S. Quarry Tile Company, UK Potheads, Victorian Web, Wadsworth, Wardle, Zona Gale
Subway Ornamentation in New York City
Tags: AET, American Encaustic Tile Compant, Amity Baptist Church, Atlantic Terra Cotta Company, August Belmont, Battery Park Control House, Bertram Goodhue, BMT, Brooklyn Manhattan Transit, Brooklyn Rapid Transit, BRT, ceramic murals, D. L. & W. railroad, Dater House, Dater Residence, El Museo del Barrio, Elephant House, elevated subway, Eugene Atwood, Frederic Dana Marsh, Grueby Faience, Guastavino vaulting, Hartford Faience, Heckscher Foundation, Heins and LaFarge, Herbert Dole, Hildreth Meiere, IND, Independent subway line, Interborough Rapid Transit, IRT, Jay Van Everen, Manhattan Glass Tile Company, Marine Grill, McAlpin Hotel, Nebraska State Capitol Building, New York City subway, Prospect Park Tennis House, R. Guastavino Company, Rafael Guastavino, Rapid Transit Commission, Rathskeller, Rookwood faience, Rookwood Pottery, Scranton passenger terminal, Squire Vickers, subway ceramics, subway ornamentation, subway system, subway tiles, tile murals, William Barclay Parsons, William Grueby
The Flint Sit-Down Strike Memorial
Tags: Abraham Lincoln Brigade memorial, architectural ceramics, art tiles, auto industry history, auto industry strike, Flint Michigan, historic tiles, Johan Sellenraad, Pewabic Pottery, Sit-Down strike, strike memorial, strikes, tile and architecture, tile installation, tile installations, tile murals, UAW, union history
Tags: Alan Samalin, architectural ceramics, art tiles, auto sit down strike, auto strike memorial, Brooklyn Bridge art, CETA art, CETA program, Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Joe Stallone, Johan Sellenraad, New York City, New York City mural art, Rochelle Slovin, subway art, subway tile, tile murals, UAW
Concrete and Tiles-I: Moyer, Mercer, Murosa
Tags: Albert Moyer, American Mosaic and Tile Company, Antz Cafe, Antz's Cafe, architectural ornamentation, architecture, art tiles, brocade tiles, concrete architecture, concrete construction, concrete houses, Doylestown, faience, Fonthill, Frederick Squires, Henry Mercer, Herman Mueller, J.J. Gaffney, M.E. Blatt building, monolithic concrete, Moravian Pottery and Tile Works, Moravian tiles, Moravian tileworks, Moyer house, Mueller Mosaic Company, mura, Murosa, Romana Rosa, Squires and Wynkoop, Vulcanite Portland Cement Company, Wyoma Cafeteria