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- Tags: ceramic tiles
Experimental Lustre Tiles of Rafael Guastavino, Jr.
Tags: 143 Awixa Avenue, Abu Tahir potters, Abu'l Qasim, AD Antiques, AET, American Encaustic Tiling Co, art tiles, Avery Archives, Aztec Ballet, Brouwer, ceramic tiles, Count Florida Blanca, De Morgan, Diffloth, Doat, Fustat, Gaziello, George Collins, Guastavino, Industrial Arts Exhibition, Iranian pottery, Iznik tiles, J.B. Owens, Kashan pottery, Lancastrian Ware, Leon Solon, Louis Franchet, luster ware, lusterware, lustre enamels, lustre glaze, lustre ware, Lycett, Mary Chase Perry, Massier, Owens China Co, Palaces for the People, Persian glazes, Persian palatte, Persian tiles, Persian ware, Pewabic, Pewabic Pottery, Piccolpasso, Pilkingtons, reduced pigment lustre, Richard Mohr, Rookwood, Rozane Mara ware, Sicard, Sicardo Ware, Tile House, UKPotheads, University City Pottery, Weller, William Burton, William Morris
The Ceramic Tiles and Murals of Jean Nison
Tags: ACC Craft Research Service, Adrian Wilson, Afghan hounds, Alden Becker, Alice Simon, Alpha and Omega, America House, American Crafts Council, architectural ceramics, Art and Christian Life, Artist-Craftsmen of New York, Arts of Daily Living, Brian Kaiser, Carlton Steiner, Casselberry, ceramic murals, ceramic tiles, Charles Nison, Craft Horizons, Cuyler, Draper, El Delirio, Elizabeth Draper, Ella Lawson, Ernest Lawson, Farr, Four Christian Symbols, Fred Farr, Gordon Cuyler, Greene and Greene, House Beautiful, J. Gordon Lippincott, Jean Nison, John deKoven Hill, La Guardia Houses, LaGuardia, Lever House, Lippincott and Margulies, Lippincott house, Lowey, Margaret Blasco, Margaret Nison, Michael Padwee, mid-century modern, Millard Sheets, Museum of Art and Design, Pinart, Plant Lover's Bathroom, Ray Johnson, Raymond Lowey, Religious Art of the Western World, Richardson, Robert Pinart, Sam Richardson, Shepherd of the Hills, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, St. Joseph's College for Women, Station of the Cross, The Patron Church, Tichenor House, Tile Heritage Foundation, tile murals