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- Tags: Aztec Ballet
Experimental Lustre Tiles of Rafael Guastavino, Jr.
Tags: 143 Awixa Avenue, Abu Tahir potters, Abu'l Qasim, AD Antiques, AET, American Encaustic Tiling Co, art tiles, Avery Archives, Aztec Ballet, Brouwer, ceramic tiles, Count Florida Blanca, De Morgan, Diffloth, Doat, Fustat, Gaziello, George Collins, Guastavino, Industrial Arts Exhibition, Iranian pottery, Iznik tiles, J.B. Owens, Kashan pottery, Lancastrian Ware, Leon Solon, Louis Franchet, luster ware, lusterware, lustre enamels, lustre glaze, lustre ware, Lycett, Mary Chase Perry, Massier, Owens China Co, Palaces for the People, Persian glazes, Persian palatte, Persian tiles, Persian ware, Pewabic, Pewabic Pottery, Piccolpasso, Pilkingtons, reduced pigment lustre, Richard Mohr, Rookwood, Rozane Mara ware, Sicard, Sicardo Ware, Tile House, UKPotheads, University City Pottery, Weller, William Burton, William Morris
Leon Victor Solon: Color, Ceramics and Architecture
Tags: 2 Park Avenue, 610 Fifth Avenue, 620 Fifth Avenue, 636 Fifth Avenue, AET, AET Co, American Encaustic Tile Co, American Encaustic Tiling Company, Angloia, architectural ceramics, Architectural Polychromy, Armistead Fitzhugh, Arthur Crisp, Atlantic Terra Cotta, Atlantic Terra Cotta Company, Aztec Ballet, Bagguley, Blaszczyk, Bookplate Society, Booktryst, Carlos Chavez, E. Stanley Wires, Eliel Saarinen, Ely Jacques Kahn, Empire State Dairy, Eugene Schoen, Exhibition of Contemporary American Design, Jennewein, John Gregory, John W. Root, John Wadsworth, Joseph Urban, Julian Clarence Levi, Lawrie, Lazo, Leon Solon, Louis Arnoux, Marc Louis Solon, Minton, Mintons, Mosaic Tile Company, National Terra Cotta Society, Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art, Philadelphia Museum of Art, posters, Ralph T. Walker, Raymond Hood, Robertson Art Tile Works, Rockefeller Center, Secessionist, secessionist ware, Sutherland binding, Sutherland decoration, The Architect and the Industrial Arts, The Story of Mankind, the textile blog, U.S. Quarry Tile Company, UK Potheads, Victorian Web, Wadsworth, Wardle, Zona Gale